Gut A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome,
Restore Health, and Lose Weight
Wheat Belly was a
breakthrough, informing readers that the wheat and
grains we consume today are not the same wheat and
grains of our ancestors and were making us overweight
and sick. In Super Gut, Dr. Davis takes his research and
findings a step further and shows that because of our
highly processed diet, pesticides, and overuse of
antibiotics, our guts are is now missing so many of the
good bacteria required to be healthy.
As a result, many of us have lost control over health,
weight, mood, even behavior.
The ancient bacteria that keep our gut
in alignment and our digestion easy have been dying off,
replaced by harmful microbes that don’t serve to keep us
physically healthy and mentally fit. With cutting-edge
research, Dr. Davis has connected the dots between gut
health and modern ailments and complaints.
There are entire species of microbes that have
disappeared, creating health issues that were uncommon
one hundred, or even fifty, years ago. A major
consequence is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial
overgrowth), a silent and profound epidemic, which
affects one out of three people and is responsible for
an astounding range of human health conditions.
Super Gut shows readers how to eliminate bad bacteria
and bring back the missing “good” bacteria with a
four-week plan to reprogram your microbiome
based on research and techniques that not only get to
the root of many diseases but improve levels of oxytocin
(the bonding/happy hormone), brain health,
and promote anti-aging, weight loss,
mental clarity, and more restful sleep. Super Gut
explains the science clearly and includes more than
forty recipes, a diet plan, and resources so you can
pinpoint your gut issues, correct them, and maintain
your long-term health and well-being.
Your Body, Cure Your Mind: Leaky Gut, Adrenal
Fatigue, Liver Detox, Mental Health, Anxiety,
Depression, Disease & Trauma. Mindfulness,
Holistic ... Mental Health, Trauma & Adrenal
Your health is the most
valuable gift you have. Reading this intensely holistic
book will quickly improve your health, happiness and
mood by helping you treat the root causes of dis-eases
in your mind and body, which are:
Leaky gut, Inflammation & Liver
Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid & hormonal health
Trauma and painful thoughts healing, mood therapy &
emotional support
With the top herbs, homeopathic remedies,
foods, acupuncture points, Bach flower remedies and
trauma healing exercises that most successful therapists
use. Read all the amazing therapies included for FREE by
clicking "Look Inside" on the cover.
Get this book to quickly feel amazingly well with clear
instructions on powerful holistic therapies from world
renowned naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist &
teacher. Know:
What the best low inflammatory foods, probiotics
and supplements for digestive
problems, IBS and inflammation are
Why your thyroid, hormones, mood and brain heal when you
fix your liver and how to detoxify
your liver
Which herbs, amino acids, homeopathic
remedies and supplements to use for stress, burnout,
anxiety and depression.
The most helpful nutrients for health
and what foods they’re found in.
Powerful exercise to release trauma, change negative
beliefs and feel confident.
Highly effective meditation, breathing, journaling,
gratitude and positive psychology techniques.
Energy medicine therapy to increase happiness, clarity
and emotional resilience.
Acupuncture points for different forms of anxiety and
And so much more
Gut and Autoimmune Diet 101: Reclaim your
microbiome with 4 simple steps to take back
control of your long-term health, mood, and weight
... & Hormone Balance Plan and Cookbook
Do you feel like your gut
health is bogging you down as if you are not
in control of the way you feel one moment to the next?
You feel a sudden spring of energy as though you can
tackle any task thrown at you, then somehow, the next
moment you feel completely under the weather or
Are you tired of constant brain fog and
low energy?
Do you have extra, stubborn weight gain?
How about controlling the things you want to eat?
The truth is; if you have ever felt like you were
fighting to control your eating habits and your
emotional states, it's because you are. We’re not
exactly fighting ourselves, but more specifically our microbiota,
which comprises trillions of different bacteria
who influence our behavior.
DIS - EASES of unknown origins such as depression,
obesity, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and diabetes now
plague our everyday life.
What could these dis-eases possibly have in common?
Leaky gut syndrome -- Yep, these are
all symptoms of having leaky gut.
The war of infectious pathogens has taken its toll on
our beneficial microflora. These
organisms influence the way our immune system develops,
our motivational and emotional states, and even how much
we crave specific foods.
Do you want to take back control of your life?
Achieve a healthier gut?
Stop making the same mistakes on a daily basis and have
a remarkable life again?
Accompany us while Pureture uses a holistic approach to
explore the findings that have emerged in
microbiological research these past two decades - this
journey does not come without reward.
"Healthy Gut and Autoimmune Diet
101"reveals the secrets of gut health
for you to learn and discover:
How to heal your leaky gut and
understand its influence on the brain;
Top 5 triggering components causing poor gut
Complete understanding of the good and bad bacteria that
control us;
9 warning signs your gut health needs
Top 5 foods to naturally heal the gut;
Transform your health from the inside out with 4 simple
The ultimate protocol to achieve a healthier
Top 5 supplements recommended for
better gut health

Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation
Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices,
and Our Overall Health
Combining cutting-edge
neuroscience with the latest discoveries on the human
microbiome, a practical guide in the
tradition of Wheat Belly and Grain Brain that
conclusively demonstrates the inextricable, biological
link between mind and body.
We have all experienced the connection between our mind
and our gut—the decision we made because it “felt
right”; the butterflies in our stomach before a big
meeting; the anxious stomach rumbling when we’re
stressed out. While the dialogue between the gut and the
brain has been recognized by ancient healing traditions,
including Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, Western
medicine has failed to appreciate the complexity of how
the brain, gut, and more recently, the microbiome—the
microorganisms that live inside us—communicate with one
another. In The Mind-Gut Connection, Dr. Emeran Mayer,
executive director of the UCLA Center for Neurobiology
of Stress, offers a revolutionary look at this
developing science, teaching us how to harness the power
of the mind gut connection to take
charge of our health.
The Mind-Gut Connection shows how to keep the brain
gut communication clear and balanced to:
• heal the gut by focusing on a
plant-based diet
• balance the microbiome by consuming
fermented foods and probiotics,
fasting, and cutting out sugar and processed foods
• promote weight loss by detoxifying and creating
healthy digestion and maximum nutrient
• boost immunity and prevent the onset of neurological
diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
• generate a happier mindset and reduce fatigue,
moodiness, anxiety, and depression
• prevent and heal GI disorders such
as leaky gut syndrome, food
sensitivities and allergies, and IBS, as well as
digestive discomfort such as heartburn and bloating
MIND GUT CONNECTION: The Surprising Science behind
the Relationship between Your Mind and Gut and the
Top Foods to Heal Your Gut Brain, and Fight
Unhealthy Gut Bacteria
Your body will always
keep the score of what you choose and consume. The
problem most individuals do not get to realize is the
fact that their mental disorder is not as a result of
the so-called age. It depends solely on what you eat.
Improve Your Gut Health
Martha Bridge is a Holistic Nutritionist, a mother and a
wife who has spent over a decade making researches on
gut health. She is so passionate about helping people
relieve pain, Mental Disorders, digestive imbalances,
Depression, OCD, Anxiety and other neurological disorder
using natural ways. She has written so many books
including Gut Health Hacks, Eat to Beat Disease, This is
Your Brain on Food, Metabolical and others.
This Is Your Brain On Food
In this wonderful book, THE MIND-GUT CONNECTION, Martha
Bridge exposes the intimate relationship which exist
between your mind and gut. You will
also get to know;
• The science behind the BDNFs (Brain Derived
Neurotropic Factors)
• The top gut-killer foods
• The best foods to improve your mind-gut connection
• Secrets behind cognitive disorders