Naturopathic physician
Michael T. Murray guides readers through the often
complex, conflicting information regarding
Each chapter profiles major
vitamins, minerals,
essential fatty acids, nutrients, and glandular
extracts, including information on the following:
• deficiency signs / symptoms
• recommended dietary allowance
• beneficial effects
• available forms
• principal uses
• dosage ranges
• safety issues
• interactions
Based on extensive scientific research, Encyclopedia of
Supplements empowers readers to make educated
decisions about which supplements to take for health
conditions including cancer, arthritis, depression, high
cholesterol, allergies, heart disease and more.
Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible: Over 200 Vitamins
and Supplements for Improving Health, Wellness,
and Longevity
This classic compendium
has been significantly updated to put the facts you need
at your fingertips so you can live a longer, healthier
and better life. With 20% new material, this
comprehensive guide to vitamins and their health effects
has the most up-to-date information to empower and
enlighten readers.
How to maximize the effectiveness of your vitamins
supplements and avoid problems by taking them
in the right combinations
New anti-aging vitamins and supplements
that will keep your skin and body healthy and
The latest research on how to fight off illness and stay
healthy with the help of immune system-boosting vitamins
and supplements
The art of personalizing your dietary regimen to fit
your lifestyle, your health profile, and even your job
Natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy
(HRT), Viagra, Prozac, and Valium
The science behind nutraceuticals, homeopathy, and
aromatherapy, and how to find the best practitioners in
these fields
Healing regimens for heart patients, stroke victims,
diabetics, and arthritis sufferers
Insight on the new wonder supplement—CBD—and its many
New warnings about dangerous drug interactions and
"miracle cures"
With extensive sections on herbal teas and tinctures,
beauty aids, diets, salt and sugar intake, and new ways
to boost your energy level, fertility, and sex life,
this book has everything you need to know to use
vitamins to improve your health and wellness.
You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs And
So Much More--Second Edition: Choosing The
Nutrients That Are Right For You
Almost 75 percent of your
health and life expectancy is based on lifestyle,
environment, and nutrition. Yet even
if you follow a healthful diet, you are probably not
getting all the nutrients you need to
prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins,
Minerals, Herbs and So Much More,
Second Edition, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can
restore and maintain health through the wise use of nutrients.
Part 1 of this easy-to-use guide provides the individual
nutrients necessary for good health, including vitamins,
minerals, herbs, fatty acids, amino acids, and
beneficial substances such as CBD oil and cocoa. Part 2
then offers personalized nutritional programs for people
with a wide variety of illnesses and disorders. Whether
you want to maintain good health or you are trying to
overcome a medical condition, What You Must Know About
Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and So Much More can help you
make the best choices for the health and well-being of
you and your family.
● Explains the need for and benefits of proper nutrition
in easy-to-understand language
● Thoroughly describes the function and cautions of each
recommended nutrient
● Offers the latest nutritional information for your
most common health disorders
● Suggests optimum dosages and most effective supplement
forms where appropriate
● Provides tips for increasing the body’s absorption
of vitamins and minerals
for Nutritional Healing: the A to Z Guide to
Supplements: Everything You Need to Know About
Selecting and Using Vitamins, Minerals, ...
Healing: A-To-Z Guide to Supplements)
Since its initial
publication more than twenty years ago, millions of
people have turned to Prescription for Nutritional
Healing for answers to their holistic health questions.
Of the guide's many invaluable sections, one of the most
frequently referred to is the A- to-Z reference that
lists and explains the most commonly available types of
nutrients, food supplements, and herbs. This handy,
portable edition makes it easy for readers to have that
information at their fingertips. Drawn from the newly
revised Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth
Edition, it includes:
Recent scientific discoveries about vitamins B12, D, E,
and more
Current data on natural supplements
like tryptophan (now back on the market)
The newest information on herbs, such as tumeric,
valerian, saw palmetto, St. John's wort, licorice, and
kava kava
Up-to-date research on the benefits of alternative
healing and preventive therapies
Today, more people than ever are embracing nonmedical
alternatives to a wide range of health issues. Whether
one is looking for relief from a specific ailment, or
simply looking to achieve and maintain optimum health,
Prescription for Nutritional Healing: The A-to-Z Guide
to Supplements quickly provides access to everything
needed to design a complete nutritional program.
to Select the Right Nutritional Supplements for
Optimal Health: A Nutritional Supplements Handbook
for Today's Critical Choices
This book will help you
select more absorbable, potent and safe nutrient
formulations that can protect you from the
degenerative effects of nutrient deficiencies
in the food you eat. It will help you protect your
health from the disease process if you have been
consuming nutrient deficient foods, even if you feel you
eat a generally “healthy” diet. Also, knowing the
origins of your supplement ingredients is critical to
determine just how effective your supplements really
are. Many thousands of people are taking supplements
of poor quality. Chances are, those supplements may be
doing more harm than good, creating inflammatory
conditions due to the biological incompatibility of
synthetic vitamins and the
non-absorbable types of minerals used
by manufacturers who want to cut production costs.
Nutrient deficiencies are one of the major causes of
many degenerative diseases millions of people suffer
from today, and that includes deficiencies due to poorly
formulated supplements. You get what
you pay for in the way of price and nonabsorbability.
Mixing synthetic vitamins and finely ground, poorly
absorbable mineral elements and forming them into
tablets with toxic binders and excipients does not
constitute a healthy supplement, but are cheap to
produce and leave much room for profit margins of the
manufacturer and chains of distribution. If you wish to
have truly effective supplements, the ingredients in
those formulations must contain whole food,
enzyme-active substances in the mix, and one or more
combinations of formulations must contain the full range
of all known essential nutrients found
in whole foods. The ongoing debate over whether
supplements are good for you or bad could be quickly
settled if this little tidbit would be brought out into
the open. Finally resolve your questions about
ingredients on your supplements’ labels and confidently
select your supplements, knowing they are truly
effective, safe and nourishing. Use this reference
manual and feel the difference.