
and the Future of Medicine: The Key to Understanding
Disease, Chronic Illness, Aging, and Life Itself
With information for
patients and practitioners on optimizing mitochondrial
function for greater health and longevity
Why do we age? Why does cancer develop? What's the
connection between heart failure and Alzheimer's disease,
or infertility and hearing loss? Can we extend lifespan,
and if so, how? What is the Exercise Paradox? Why do
antioxidant supplements sometimes do more harm than good?
Many will be amazed to learn that all these questions, and
many more, can be answered by a single point of
discussion: mitochondria and
In Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine, Naturopathic
Doctor Lee Know tells the epic story of mitochondria, the
widely misunderstood and often-overlooked powerhouses of
our cells. The legendary saga began over two billion years
ago, when one bacterium entered another without being
digested, which would evolve to create the first
mitochondrion. Since then, for life to exist beyond
single-celled bacteria, it's the mitochondria that have
been responsible for this life-giving energy. By
understanding how our mitochondria work, in fact, it is
possible to add years to our lives, and life to our years.
Current research, however, has revealed a dark side: many
seemingly disconnected degenerative diseases have tangled
roots in dysfunctional mitochondria. However, modern
research has also endowed us with the knowledge on how to
optimize its function, which is of critical importance to
our health and longevity.
Dysfunction: A Functional Medicine Approach to
Diagnosis and Treatment: Get Rid of Fat, Fatigue,
and Brain Fog
The book begins with my
own health journey through mitochondrial
fatigue and how I overcame it with the functional
medicine approach to diagnosis and treatment. The first
two chapters discuss the basic science of the mitochondria
and their involvement in cell defense, energy
production, aging, and cancer. The following chapters
deals with the avoidance of chemicals, pesticides, and
toxins that poison the mitochondria, food to nourish
them, supplements, and hormetic lifestyle changes. The
next chapter details the functional medicine approach to
patient's symptoms using lab testing to arrive at the
diagnosis and treatment. The book concludes with a
summary of actionable items that the reader can do at
If you suffer from chronic fatigue, excess fat that you
can't lose, brain fog, or any number of symptoms, the
answer might just lie deep in your cell called mitochondria.
They are responsible to make energy called ATP for the
cell to function. If they sense danger to the cell and
to themselves, they will shut down ATP production and go
into cell defense mode, resulting in generalized
dysfunction of the most active cells like the muscles
and brain. You can now reverse this process using a
validated method by the Mayo Clinic.
Dr. Chang has personally gone through a health journey
of mitochondrial dysfunction and fatigue and by applying
the methods in the book, he has fully recovered.
From Physiology to Pathology
play an increasingly central role in the context of cellular
physiology. These organelles possess their own genome ( mtDNA),
which is functionally coordinated with the nuclear
genome. Mitochondrial gene expression is mediated by
molecular processes (replication, transcription,
translation, and assembly of respiratory chain
complexes) that all take place within the mitochondria.
Several aspects of mtDNA expression have already been
well characterized, but many more either are under
debate or have yet to be discovered.
Understanding the molecular processes occurring in
mitochondria also has clinical relevance. Dysfunctions
affecting these important metabolic 'hubs' are
associated with a whole range of severe disorders, known
as mitochondrial diseases. In recent years, significant
progress has been made to understand the pathogenic
mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction;
however, to date, mitochondrial diseases are complex
genetic disorders without any effective therapy. Current
therapeutic strategies and clinical trials are aimed at
mitigating clinical manifestations and slowing the
disease progression to improve the quality of life of
The goal of the Special Issue 'Mitochondria: from
Physiology to Pathology' published in Life (ISSN:
2075-1729) was to collect research and review articles
covering the physiological and pathological aspects
related to mtDNA maintenance and gene
expression, mitochondrial biogenesis, protein import,
organelle metabolism, and quality control.
Mito: Power Up Your Mitochondria for Boundless
Energy, Laser Sharp Mental Focus and a Powerful
Vibrant Body
Ever wonder why
toddlers and preschoolers run around with endless
energy, and you’re ready to fall asleep just watching
them? Finally, Dr. Susanne Bennett, DC, CCSP, has the
answer! And it all has to do with the mighty
mitochondria—that subcellular organelle
that is responsible for your body’s energy production.
Through Mighty Mito, Dr. Susanne explains why we lose
energy as we get older and how each one of us can
regain that energy by providing what our mitochondria
thrive on. Healthy mitochondria equal better energy
production in our cells. Better energy production
equals more energy—and you’ll feel years, or even
decades, younger. Mighty Mito contains step-by-step
instructions on what mitochondria need to be healthy,
including diet, exercise, and your environment.
Power up your mitochondria for boundless energy, laser
sharp mental focus, and a powerful vibrant body—it’s
that simple.
in Health and Diseases
are subcellular organelles evolved by the
endosymbiosis of bacteria with eukaryotic cells. They
are the main source of ATP in the cell and engaged in
other aspects of cell metabolism and cell
function, including the regulation of ion
homeostasis, cell growth, redox status, and cell
signaling. Due to their central role in cell life and
death, mitochondria are also involved in the
pathogenesis and progression of human
diseases/conditions, including neurodegenerative and
cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes,
inflammation, and aging. However, despite the
increasing number of studies, precise mechanisms
whereby mitochondria are involved in the regulation of
basic physiological functions, as well as their role
in the cell under pathophysiological conditions,
remain unknown. A lack of in-depth knowledge of the
regulatory mechanisms of mitochondrial
metabolism and function, as well as
interplay between the factors that transform the organelle
from its role in pro-survival to pro-death, have
hindered the development of new mitochondria-targeted
pharmacological and conditional approaches for the
treatment of human diseases. This book highlights the
latest achievements in elucidating the role of
mitochondria under physiological conditions, in
various cell/animal models of human diseases, and in
2nd Edition
This book is the
eagerly awaited second edition of the best-selling
Mitochondria, a book widely acknowledged as the
first modern, truly comprehensive authored work on
the important, scientifically fundamental topic of
the cellular organelles known as
This new edition brings readers completely up to
date on the many significant findings that have
occurred in the eight years since the book was first
published. As in that seminal first edition, the
second edition tackles the biochemistry, genetics,
and pathology of mitochondria in different
organisms. The new edition provides thorough updates
of all literature concerning this vital organelle,
its functions, ongoing research surrounding it, and
its importance vis-à-vis a broad range of issues in
cellular and molecular biology. The book includes
detailed descriptions of current and developing
technologies around mitochondrial research
and discovery, and highlights subjects that are
growing, such as the use of proteomics.
This book is an invaluable resource for all
geneticists, biologists, and educators in life
sciences. It is also of interest for advanced
students in genetics and molecular biology.
in Health and Disease: Personalized Nutrition for
Healthcare Practitioners (Personalized Nutrition
and Lifestyle Medicine for Healthcare
What are the functions
of mitochondria in the human body? Why might
they stop working properly and what can happen as a
result? How can personalized nutrition
help to optimize mitochondrial function
and prevent or address chronic conditions?
This innovative book explores the incredibly complex
biochemical roles of mitochondria in health and disease.
When healthy, mitochondria provide us with ninety
percent of our body's energy. When unhealthy, this can
lead to many chronic and degenerative conditions
including cancer and Alzheimer's disease. This guide
helps practitioners to identify the mitochondrial
dysfunction underlying a wide range of health
complaints, and provides inspiration about relevant and
emerging mitochondria-supportive dietary regimes and
nutrients to explore within the model of personalized
Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity
The powerhouses of the
cell, mitochondria take in nutrients,
break them down, and create energy-rich molecules that
drive cellular processors in the body. Knowing how
your mitochondria work is essential to your
well-being. This book takes a deep dive into the
relationship between mitochondrial health,
overall health, and aging. Dr. Warren Cargal, a
multi-book author, board-certified Acupuncturist, and
an expert on Chinese medicine with over 20 years of
experience will show you:
How unhealthy mitochondria can cause cardiovascular
diseases, cardiometabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative
diseases, arthritis, cancer, and aging effects on the
skin, eyes, and muscles.
How to take control of and increase your energy
reserves to make them efficient.
How to restore your mitochondria so you can combat
increased body fat and reduced lean muscle mass,
inefficient metabolism, increased low-grade
inflammation, inadequate performance, accelerating
aging, and, unfortunately for some, premature death.
Your Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity is a
must-read for anyone who wants to live an abundant and
healthy life.